What you should know about howlers

By |March 5th, 2016|Europe, Featured, Features, Germany, Journeys|

Saucer eyes and little whiskers – at the sight of baby seals hardly anyone can resist saying the words “Oh, how cute!” The childlike proportions are what cause in humans a caring instinct. Well intended is not always done well. […]


By |July 24th, 2013|Asia, Europe, Journeys, Russia, Trans-Siberian Railway|

  The driver repeats her sentence in Russian for the fifth time, I repeat mine in English for the fifth time: "How much does it cost to Yaroslavsky Station?" We don't understand each other. By her tone, I realize that she is getting angry. She opens the door and points her finger outside. This is how I get thrown out of a Moscow street car. "You can't get far with English in Russia", I heard this before. How bad it really is, however, you can only feel when you're actually there. Whether it's the street car driver, the cashier at the supermarket, the kiosk person or train station staff, they all speak Russian and Russian only. Somehow you can make it work anyway, you just shouldn't be under time [...]