Taking Stock of Snow Leopards

By |September 17th, 2013|Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Making of, Outdoor, Wildlife|

At some point during my biology studies, I was interested in eco-volunteering. On the internet, I found a snow leopard monitoring project in Kyrgyzstan. "No clue where this country is," I thought, “I should check it out.” However, it cost too much and I didn’t apply. The idea remained. Every time, when I was fed [...]

Hay – The Making-of

By |August 31st, 2013|Asia, Making of, Mongolia, Outdoor|

In the supermarket, in front of the vodka shelf: " Do we really need the big bottle ", I ask, "doesn't the medium one suffice?" Kishig and Mukhan look at me with big eyes and shake their heads in sync. "It's for the horsemen," says Kishig. "Yes, many horsemen," Mukhan adds. Well, I buy the [...]

Wild Horses at Hustai National Park

By |August 9th, 2013|Asia, Journeys, Making of, Mongolia, Wildlife|

  The first horse I come across in Mongolia is lying on my plate. Oogi's sister has cooked a big lunch during the camping trip. Although it tasted good, eating horses was not the purpose of the trip. Actually, I wanted to sit on them, not chew on them. Apart from this, Ulan [...]